Am I an introvert? Take the Personality Test to Find out
An Extroverted Personality should be very outgoing, an alpha-type personality, and seek out the spotlight wherever possible. However, introvert people are often viewed as being faulty and needing “fixing”.
What Cain suggests in her novel, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking”, is that introverts truly boast a power that extroverts lack to varying degrees. She also proposes the idea that there are three general personality types: introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, who run a fine line between extroversion and introversion.
This free personality test is based on Isabel Briggs Myers’ typological approach to personality. You will get a 4-letter type result that will characterize your personality.
To find out if you have this characteristic, do the personality test.
Personality test